• Kaysad
GÜNDEMHaber Girişi : 11 Ekim 2019 20:27

Süleyman Soylu: 121 Kişi Gözaltına Alındı

Süleyman Soylu: 121 Kişi Gözaltına Alındı
İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu sosyal medyada Barış Pınarı Harekatı'na hakaret eden 500 kişiden 121'inin gözaltına aldıklarını açıkladı.

İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu, katıldığı Jandarma Havacılık Okul Komutanlığı Pilot ve Teknisyen Temel Kursları Mezuniyet Töreni'nde "Barış Pınarı Harekatı" ile ilgili açıklamalarda bulundu.

Barış Pınarı Harekatı'yla ilgili sosyal medya paylaşımlarından dolayı 121 kişinin gözaltına alındığını söyleyen Bakan Soylu, "Şu ana kadar sosyal medyada 500'e yakın Barış Pınarı Harekatına hakaret eden kişiye, ülkemize işgalci nitelemesi yapanlara gerekli işlemleri yaptık. Arkadaşlarımız 121'ini gözaltına aldı” dedi.

TIKLAYIN - Gazeteciler Demir ve Diler Adli Kontrolle Serbest

Harekatı savaş olarak niteleyenlerin ihanet içerisinde olduğunu dile getiren Süleyman Soylu şöyle devam etti:

"Biz hiçbir zaman işgal yapmadık"

"Siviller konusunda kimse Türkiye'ye ders veremez. Kınama ve tehditleri artık duymazdan geliyoruz. Kendi göbeğimizi kendimiz keseriz, kesmeye devam ederiz. Türkiye'yi baskılamaya karşı tavırlarını sürdürüyorlar, artık hiçbirisi umurumuzda değil. Biz hiçbir zaman işgal yapmadık, bunu diyen alçaktır." (HA)

11 People Detained in İzmir over Social Media Messages About Syria Operation

While 11 people have been detained in İzmir for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” with their social media posts about “Operation Peace Spring”, Minister Soylu has announced that 121 people have been detained across Turkey so far.
İstanbul - BIA News Desk
11 October 2019, Friday 10:24

* Photo: AA

Click to read the article in Turkish (1) (2) / Kurdish

11 people have been detained in Turkey's Aegean province of İzmir over their social media messages about the "Operation Peace Spring" launched by Turkey into northern Syria on October 9.

Taken into custody in operations launched against 18 residences in central İzmir and districts of Aliağa, Dikili and Menemen, the detained were still deposing at the Security Directorate as of 10.08 aim. today (October 11).

As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), 11 people have been charged with "attempting to defame Operation Peace Spring", "propagandizing for a terrorist organization" and "making a call on social media to encourage supporting masses to act against security forces in accordance with the instructions of terrorist organization".

The AA has also reported that the ones, against whom a warrant has been issued, are still searched for.

Minister Soylu: 121 people detained

* Photo: AA

On the other side, Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu made a statement regarding social media messages about the operation later in the day.

"Till now, we have taken the necessary action against around 500 people who insulted Operation Peace Spring, who defined our country as an invader on social media", Minister Soylu said and added, "Our friends have detained 121 people." Indicating that the ones who define the offensive as an invasion are in treason, Soylu continued as follows:

"No one can teach a lesson to Turkey on civilians. We now turn a deaf ear to condemnations and threats. We take the matters into our own hands, we will keep on doing so. They keep on pressuring Turkey, we do not care about it anymore. We have never invaded [anywhere], those who say that are vile."

Two journalists detained yesterday

Digital Services Manager of daily BirGün Hakan Demir and Managing Editor of Diken news website Fatih Gökhan Diler were also detained yesterday over their social media messages about the operation.

Referred to court later in the day, both journalists have been released on probation and with an international travel ban.

21 detained in Mardin

Shortly after the Directorate General of Security announced that a legal action has been taken against 78 people due to their social media messages on Turkey's operation into northern Syria, 21 people were detained in Turkey's southeastern province of Mardin yesterday.

The detained have been charged with "inciting the public to enmity and hatred" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization". (TP/SD)

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