• Kaysad
DÜNYAHaber Girişi : 23 Aralık 2014 13:48

On December 17th 2014, history was written in Norway for the South Azerbaijani Turkish community.

On December 17th 2014, history was written in Norway for the South Azerbaijani Turkish community.
On December 17th 2014, history was written in Norway for the South Azerbaijani Turkish community.
On December 17th 2014, history was written in Norway for the South Azerbaijani Turkish community.

Representatives from The voice of Azerbaijan and Xazar Yanar Shervin Najafpour, South Azerbaijan Party spokesman Serdar Asadi, Yasar Heydari and Ahmed Amini, Inter FM and Avrupa Haber Muharrem Seren was present during the private meeting with United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran Dr. Ahmed Shaheed.
During the one and a half hour long meeting five important topics was brought to Dr. Shaheeds attention. Violation against human rights in Iran, The drying of the world's second largest salt lake Urmia, assimilation and discrimination policy against other nationalities in Iran, raise the band of mother tongue, and to raise help to the earthquake victims.
Recent lists of human rights activist that has been captured were given to Dr. Shaheed, then a CD with recent video clips where discrimination and racism towards Azerbaijani Turks are being promoted on National Iranian TV. Letters of recognizing the violation against human rights were given as well.
At the end of the meeting, an exclusive interview to the multi-cultural radio station Inter FM, The Voice of Azerbaijan was given.
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